Member Contacts
Event Calendar
Message Board

1. — The Grove of Earthly Echoes is always open to new members but there are three steps which must be taken to be accepted into the coven.

  • The first step is to meet with one or more of our members in a public venue (ie. Pagan Chat). Contact can be initiated either through the email addresses on the website or via our message board forum if you wish to speak to us prior to the public meeting.
  • Meeting with the entire coven at one of our open Sabbat rituals and an additional two coven gatherings so that we can all get to know each other.
  • The entirety (100%) of the coven must agree to accept the potential member. Our coven is also our family and we only wish to add to our family with people who fit into it without disruption. Should you not be accepted, it is because one or more of us feel that you don't mesh properly with us and our spiritual path. This should not be taken personally and we may well welcome you to future open rituals; it just means that we feel your path walks separately of our own.

2. — We follow what is a fairly universal concept, known to many as "The Rule of Karma" or "The Golden Rule". Put simply, do unto others as you would have them do to you. Karma will reward or punish as befits our actions, both as individuals and as a coven.

3. — Each Sabbat is held as a potluck dinner and both members and guests are encouraged to bring a dish to pass. They are times of celebration and we welcome both Pagans and non-Pagan family members who wish to join us in the festivities. There will be a ritual held at each Sabbat for those who wish to participate.

4. — Mentoring is both available and heartily encouraged! Each member of the coven brings their own special gifts and talents to the mix and all members are encouraged to share and teach those gifts to others who are interested in learning them. The quest for knowledge is a never-ending journey and mentoring those interested in your own path can be mutually educational for both teacher and student.

5. — We ask that cell phones be either turned off during ritual or set to vibrate if it is of absolute necessity that you carry one. We understand that it can sometimes be necessary to be available for contact but ring-tones can be very disruptive.

6. — Dues may be enforced if necessary, likely something akin to $5 a month per person, for the purpose of purchasing ritual supplies. This is something we will avoid as best we can and so long as members are willing to contribute what supplies they are able to, we will not charge anything additional.

Grove of Earthly Echoes Copyright 2007
Copyright 2006 PurpleGoddess & Friends Viewed best at 1024X768 resolution