The 3D printer has been pretty cool and some of the stuff you can make with it is pretty impressive – springs, hinges, and gears that all function right off the printer.  Detail works are more of a challenge, but the figures that you can make are incredible… although setting up the support structures is a learning experience.  Mostly, it’s been Stacy learning, so far; I need to get messing around with it and the CAD software that works with it.  A lot of potential, and it could be something fun for the girls to learn/play with, too.

I am a leaf on the wind, as indicated by my Firefly hoodie, and Stacy’s shirt says “Although the voices aren’t real… they have some pretty good ideas!”  Where do you think she’s getting her ideas for what to print?   Arwyn is wearing her very fuzzy sweater (although we’re finally getting a bit warmer), and Kia’s wearing her new TeeTurtle hoodie, featuring adorable, space-themed kittens.