So, this is Stacy’s very first Mother’s Day!  Yay!  And, no, I don’t really do ventriloquism; this is one of those rare comics not based on actual events… though if I could, you know damned well that I’d do something like this.  Strangers would come up and say “what an adorable baby!” and she’d reply “why thank you, I appreciate that!”  I’d be an unholy terror if I could pull that stuff off.

I’m wearing a Robot Chicken Star Wars shirt (‘cause I love Star Wars and Robot Chicken is freakin’ awesome!) while Stacy’s actually dressed up nicely for the occasion.  Mostly just because we’re going out to dinner with our mothers.  Me?  This is me dressed up.  ;P  Anyway, Kia’s wearing purple pjs that say “Cute as a cupcake” on them, though she doesn’t actually fit that one, anymore.

Anyway, excuse me while I go resuscitate my wife.  😀  She always says I’m doing CPR wrong, but I keep practicing on her!