For reference, I blame our friend Skippy for this.  He got Stacy into it and the girls watched him stream it a few times, so they were intrigued.  And now… they’re obsessed.  Alright, it’s not that bad, but they really love it, but get reeeeeally worked up when zombies wander by.  Yep, zombies.  Not the scary kind, though, since they’re kind of pixilated.  Kia frequently logs out as soon as there’s danger.  😉  I will freely admit that I’ve seen some pretty amazing creations in Minecraft, and since it’s a multiplayer game, it can be very good for community play.

My shirt features the Milky Way and a notification that “You are here.”  Stacy’s wearing her Celtic faerie shirt from Mountain, and Kia’s got baby Yoda on there, but you can’t really see it, so maybe you’ll get a better look at it next week.