We were finally able to have a post-pandemic school field trip, and it was the school’s traditional first gathering, at Uncle John’s Cider Mill.  The girls had a blast and Kia really hit it off with her one classmate.  Both her and her elder sister were very nice, very smart, and very enthusiastic.  Also, the weather couldn’t have been much better, and there was apple cider involved, so good stuff all around.  Oh, and the girls have really taken to calling corn “maize,” especially in regards to corn mazes, because “maize maze” just sounds… amazing.

The girls are both wearing Connections Academy t-shirts that they already had in their wardrobes and wore to the trip.  They also got new, purple shirts, so Arwyn is especially happy about that.  Connections continues to be absolutely fantastic for them, and I highly encourage anyone with kids to check them out.