Fatherhood 094
Yay! We survived the first year! And Stacy kept telling Kia that I wouldn’t survive to her first birthday. Hah, I say! Hah! And I didn’t break the baby, either!
It’s been a year of discovery and amazement for all of us (did you know that poop came in so many different colours? I didn’t!), and a surprising amount of fun. Kia’s learning new things every day and is happy more often than not, so I think we’re doing a pretty good job. She’s ninja-fast, strong as a tank and way too smart for my own good; she’ll probably have her mother’s Backhand of Doom ™ copied by her next birthday, which will mean that I’ll be getting it from both sides. That’s okay, though, because as soon as she learns to talk, I’ll start teaching her the fine art of sarcasm. It’ll be awesome. Plus, it’ll probably lead to some very interesting comments on her future report cards. 😉
I’m wearing a dragon framed by Celtic knotwork which can be bought from http://bws.deviantart.com/ at his website http://shop.webomator.com/celtic-art-works/ and Stacy decided to dress up a bit for the occasion with her nice, green sweater-on-black combo. Kia is, of course, wearing her special birthday outfit! Not her birthday suit, her birthday outfit. BIG difference. Her birthday outfit comes with a tutu. You can see it better on the voting page (hint, hint).
Happy birthday indeed, Kia. Once you get a little older, I’ll start bringing candy for you when I visit, so I can rev you up on sugar then leave *evil grin*
Yeah, ’cause I’m sure she’ll need sugar to be hyperactive.