The girls were less surprised than the boys, but that was just because they kept asking about it and we kept evading the answer (as we won’t outright lie to them).  They were all pretty excited about it, and they were all pretty well behaved, despite that excitement.  The boys used the spare bedroom, which is where the doors came into play.  Unfortunately (or fortunately in a way?), they are terrible at stealth missions.  That tendency also came into play during the hide and seek games, as it happens; hard to be hidden when you can’t sit still for more than five seconds.

My shirt has Imperials from Star Wars getting the Sparta treatment from childrenImeanEwoks and says “This.  Is.  ENDOR!”  Stacy’s got a woodland faerie gracing her shirt, while Arwyn has pegacorns on pink, and Kia’s got a turtle from Panama Beach on blue.