No, I’m not letting Arwyn do a Mike Tyson and tattoo her face, even if it was a very pretty paint job.  😛  Speaking of “forever,” though, they would’ve happily stayed at the Children’s Dell playground area all night if we had let them.  No less than fifty kids running around there, many in costume, including one dressed as the DJ, Marshmallow, and another as Master Chief from Halo… why?  Costumes, that’s why!  Anyway, the girls were part of a sizeable pack with the two time-travelers and were having a blast, but stomachs were growling, so we had to go.  Hit our usual after-fest restaurant, Villagers, and it was as fantastic as ever.  Wish it were closer to home, although then we’d spend a lot more money there.  😉

My shirt says “To err is human… to blame someone else shows good management skills.”  Unfortunately, I failed that training class due to an unfortunately high level of honesty.  Stacy’s shirt features a faerie and some Celtic knotwork on green, Kia’s wearing straight-up hot pink and Arwyn’s wearing her kitty pajamas because it was a long day and she wanted to be comfy.