A good time was had by all and there were no injuries of any kind.  We also threw a football around for a while between dinner and dark, which was… Entertaining.  We had to convince the girls that it wasn’t going to hurt them (it was foam), then it was just down to their reflexes and timing.  They’re… getting better.  😀  That said, it does make me wonder how Gen-X managed to survive our childhoods because, hell yeah, we had sparkler duels.  Doesn’t get much more action-movie than having sparks literally fly every time your “blades” met.  Suffice it to say, we’ve seen some stuff.  😉
I’m wearing my Ghost in the Shell, Section 9 shirt.  Yeah, I’m more of a “section 8,” but it still works.  Stacy’s got her sparkly shirt so that she can light up with the fireworks, while Arwyn has her Walk Off the Earth concert shirt featuring a smiley face crying a blood tear (which, now that I think about it, is a very Gen-X feel).  Kia’s wearing a tank-top with some unicorn art and “Unicorn Vibes” because she’s all about that.  Also, all about staying cool in the heat.