Actually, a third hand would be very helpful with Arwyn, both in calming her down and changing her butt.  And, no, my boob isn’t big enough to help with that, either.  The challenge is always to find that perfect position where I can hold her comfortably, keep her comfortable, pat her butt without cramping my wrist, and still manage to pat her with my other hand long enough to do something with the computer (because stopping causes her to wake up instantly).  No problem!  So, yeah, she doesn’t nap on me very much at all.  ;P

My shirt says “Do I drive you nuts?” which is pretty much a given, were I to ask Stacy.  I’m sure many among my family and friends feel the same.  😉  Stacy’s wearing her purple (of course) yin-yang cats shirt and Arwyn’s sporting a Hello Kitty (of course) outfit.