Seriously, I think it’s been done, though I doubt anything in the comics could possibly compete with these four, in terms of cuteness factor.  It was a brief meeting in one of the less populated hallways, but it was very sweet to watch them all together for those couple of minutes.  And, of course, it’s always gratifying to see the girls’ love for anything Star Wars, so that’s good, too.  😀

The girls are wearing their costumes, again, because they would wear them all day, every day, if we let them.  Well, that’s not entirely true; they have other costumes that they rotate with.  Arwyn’s actually pretty fond of wearing the Wonder Woman costume, actually.  Anyway, I’m wearing another new one courtesy of Nerdblock, this one inspired by Planet of the Apes.  It says “Welcome back to Earth” and “It’s a mad house!  A mad house!”  Stacy shirt of much blueness was similarly inspired by Cookie Monster… I think.