For those of you saying/thinking “he didn’t” or “no, he couldn’t have said that”… you must be new here.  ;P  While they’re mostly paraphrased to keep them shortish and/or because I can’t remember the specifics (I wasn’t paying that much attention to what I was saying at the time, obviously), these were actually said at one point or another.  I’m sure the doctors and nurses in attendance thought I was right bloody insane, but my mother-in-law thought it was funny (and she already knows I’m crazy).

I’m wearing a wolf shirt I got at Wheatley Provincial Park in southern Ontario.  We go camping there just about once a year (though might have to skip this year, as it would involve being out in the woods and a few hours of total drive time with an infant), but it’s an absolutely fantastic park.  Woods all around, a nearby lake beach, great biking/walking trails and, most importantly, flush toilets within walking distance.  ;P  I’m not that into roughing it.

Kia’s wearing her yellow ducky pajamas!  Quack!  Want to see more of her cuteness?  I’ve got a new vote incentive pic up when you vote for my website! 😀