Fatherhood 052
We’re pretty sure that she’s actually over 14lbs now (that’s 6.35kg for those of you familiar with more civilized measurement systems 😉 ), based on the most recent weighing. She’s already wearing 3-6 month clothing, as the three month size were no longer fitting. Need to get her length measurement still – I know she’s gotten longer, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if, one morning, we woke up to find her leg hanging out of her bassinette; just slung up on the rail. Going to need to get her to learn how to walk asap, she’s going to be too heavy to carry around everywhere by her first birthday. ;P
If you’re wondering who that finely dressed, creepy fellow staring out from my shirt is, that’s Weird Al Yankovic. It’s a concert shirt from a few years back; I never saw him, personally, but he did the local festival and Stacy got to attend. Stacy’s wearing what I generally describe as “the purple, flowery shirt, not that you can actually see it in the third panel. It’s there, I swear! I’m not going to have her running around naked in the comic! Kia’s got her blue, flowery pjs on and is apparently practicing her planking skills – she was stiff as a board when I took that pic.