Fatherhood 071
It was a Friday night, which was the only reason Stacy and Kia were actually awake when I got home, but it had been a hell of a night. For me, Fridays come in two flavours: slow and boring or insanely busy, with not much of anything in between.
Oh, and the “fat ass” thing is a running joke with her family. I’m generally the slimmest person in the room with them, but I have an extraordinary talent for breaking chairs, so it seemed like the obvious explanation and it stuck. I bring it up as much as they do. ;P
My shirt says “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted and then used against you.” They should read that off to everyone getting involved in politics at any level. Stacy’s sporting her purple Woodward Dream Cruise shirt (2007) and Kia’s totally rocking the goth princess look, with a lovely, pink skull on her shirt (with heart-shaped eyes).
Have I ever told you that I love your jokes? ^_^
Good to know that someone can appreciate my sense of humour, at least. 😉