My ninja genetics are coming back to bite me in the butt.  She’s already trying very hard to perfect her escapology skills.  She can’t quite work the leverage to sit up from a horizontal plane, but if she’s in her bouncer or has a pillow under her, she can manage it pretty easily.  She’s also really good at rolling, even when she’s got uphill climbs on both sides, as in her diaper changer.  She knows that there’s stuff to be gotten just over that edge and hell if she’s not going to get it!

You can’t fully see my shirt, but it says “Vader for president,” because, seriously, who wouldn’t vote for him?  Could you imagine him dealing with obnoxious foreign dignitaries or dictators?  Force choke, ftw!  Seriously, though, for any Americans reading this, make sure you get out and vote this Tuesday!  I can’t, since I’m not a citizen, yet, but if you can, then you should… because if you don’t vote, you can’t bitch!  😉

Oh, and I bought the shirt at Old Navy, so if you want one of your own, that’s where you go!