Fatherhood 082
So, have I mentioned that we’re total geeks, yet? I shouldn’t even have to, really; not after this conversation. It was actually a lot longer than I could fit into a comic strip, as we discussed the skills tree and such. We’re thinking that Kia’s just going to save up points and go straight from rolling everywhere to walking and skip the whole crawling tier. If she can get her Balance stat up a few points, she’ll have it down in no time.
Speaking of geekery… yes, that is, in fact, a stained-glass Darth Vader that I’m wearing on my Shirt of Awesomeness +4. It’s made by artist Tom Brodie-Brown and can be purchased here ( http://society6.com/product/STAR-WARS-Stained-Glass-Lord-Vader_Print ), if you’re so inclined, plus he does several other Star Wars-themed shirts/prints. Stacy’s wearing a nice, purply shirt with flower print on one side, which is hidden by Kia, who happens to be wearing pants that look like an Easter egg and a shirt that says something like “I love being a princess,” but you can’t see that, either. Those pants look a lot like one of my old fractals, now that I think of it. http://treyos.deviantart.com/art/Quilted-Butterflies-76102293