Yeah, I confused Stacy, so what else is new?  ;P  I have ongoing conversations like this with Kia all the time.  Why?  Well, if she’s talking, it’s only polite to answer, right?  Besides, I figure it’ll help her with learning to talk and socialize and stuff.  Plus, I’m often talking to myself, anyway, so why not talk to the baby?

Coincidentally, my shirt says “I smile because you’ve finally driven me insane.”  Point of fact, I’ve been smiling for a great many years, so this is old news.  Kia, in addition to sporting actual hair (which showed up in her birthday strip, but I forgot to mention it), has on a nice pink and grey shirt with a little owl down in the pocket, and a whole hell of a lot of stripes.  Striped pants, striped socks… and hopefully no stripes in her diaper.