It’s been a while since I’ve been smacked in the comic (certainly not in real life 😉 ), so I’m sure most of you are as excited as Kia is to see it happen here.  So there you are, happy birthday!  Or unbirthday, as the case may be.  Anyway, Kia is very much daddy’s little girl, which makes me all giddy.  She’s more willing to let mama hold her now that she’s adjusting to the new schedule, but she still reaches for me when we pick her up from grandma’s.  😀

I’m wearing a black fleece with an actual brand name displayed on it (a rarity for me; I didn’t even notice it was there until after I bought it ;P ) and Stacy’s wearing a Mountain shirt with some awesome Celtic knotwork and a faerie hiding at the bottom.  Kia’s wearing pink with a “navy blue” dress (Stacy says navy blue, I say off-black).  The dress also has some pink ballet slippers on it, but you can’t see them here because she’s sitting on my lap.  But that’s okay, because you can see the photo that was used for panel three as the new vote incentive!