Kids say the darnedest things, right?  They’ve also got a knack for causing parents to say things that are even worse… though not generally as creepy as hearing it from a toddler.  For instance, just prior to her demonstrating just how well she understands the psyche of The Bat-Joker, she was saying how much she liked his “pretty, red eyes.”  O_o  Can’t wait to see what kind of boyfriends she brings home.  -_-

I’m wearing my brand new, Optimus Prime/Tron mash-up shirt that I got from  I’ll say this for Lootcrate, they send out some absolutely awesome shirts!  Kia’s just as fond of her shirt as I am of mine, and while you can really see much of it, it’s got a stethoscope hanging from her neck and Doc McStuffin down below that.  She absolutely adores McStuffin and loves playing doctor.  In the non-creepy sort of way, thanks.  And, thankfully, she hasn’t started operating on her stuffies.