Kia does sing, as well, but much softer than Arwyn does, most of the time, and Arwyn just rocks out to the whole soundtrack (except for the lame-ass “radio version” of You’re Welcome, which is just bad).  Arwyn sings with a confidence that I envy.  ;P  She seems to really dig having me sing along with her, despite my horrid singing voice, so it usually turns into a family sing-along… so probably not safe for anyone else’s ears.  But we have fun, and we definitely keep it shiny (like a treasure on a sunken pirate wreck).  😀

Arwyn’s sporting her favourite colour, purple, with more purple, and some purple flowers to spice it up.  And some purple.

PS. If you’re not familiar with the Moana soundtrack, “Shiny” is another song from it (do you see what I did there?).  Also, awesome movie.