So, I’ve mentioned that we like doing Nerf gun shootouts, right?  Well, after having some friends over with their teenagers – who brought their own weaponry – the girls were eager to expand our arsenal.  When I say “girls,” I mostly mean Stacy, with support from Kia and Arwyn.  Why, yes, I was TOTALLY against it.  Why do you ask?  Anyway, Kia really wanted the bolt-action rifle because it had a scope, as had one of our friend’s guns.  Arwyn wanted the biggest guns they had, because she’s the Princess of Destruction and that’s how she rolls.  We went with a more reasonably-priced option, which is also more manageable by the munchkins.  And, yes, we’ve been having lots of fun with them.  😀

Oh, and as a bonus, in case you’re wondering why Kia’s logic seems familiar, let’s hit the wayback machine for episode 14:

I’m wearing my Ghost in the Shell, Section 9 shirt (although we all know that I’m really more of a section 8  😉  ), and Stacy’s keeping it sparkly with a flowery design on purple.  Kia’s wearing her very fuzzy fox shirt, and Arwyn’s wearing a new shirt that she got for Easter, but you can’t really see it, here, so she’ll have to show it off another week.