It was 70F/20C and sunny, so absolutely perfect weather – for putting up decorations, doing yardwork, staying home, going to work… pretty much anything.  I’d be good with keeping it year-round but, unfortunately, while even Mother Nature seemed to be cheered up by the election results, she soon said “oh, yeah, this is Michigan in November” and dropped our temps down to the 40F range.  It makes me sad.  Still, most of the Christmas decorations are up and I did it without losing feeling in my fingers (as was the case last year), so I’ll take the win.

I’m wearing a Back to the Future-inspired shirt that I’ve had for a long time, now, but never included in a comic.  It says “Hoverboards – Off the Ground!”  Arwyn’s shirt, featuring a well-dressed llama, says “Llamazing” and Kia’s is a hoodie with the front pocket all unicorned up and peeking over the table at you.