To be fair, the fireflies have been swarming this year, so there were lovely, dancing lights everywhere.  The girls were running all over the place to catch them, which was fine where we were just chilling in lawn chairs for the city show, but not so good when we’re setting off our own.  It was really past their bedtime, so that probably didn’t help their attention spans.  Either way, a fun time was had by all.

I’m wearing my X-Men animated shift (which includes Jubilee, who must love Independence Day), and Stacy is wearing a flowerful green.  (Of course “flowerful” is a word, spellchecker; I just invented it!)  Anyway, Kia is wearing her cat-print dress, while Arwyn’s rockin’ one of her Princess Awesome dresses, featuring space ships.  They’re also both keeping their hair loose and free today.