In case you were wondering who had the dirty mind in this family… it’s both of us, really.  Anyway, so there were two distinctly different conversations going on here, with me stuck in the middle.  For anyone who somehow missed the old Blue Collar Comedy group with Foxworthy, et al, there’s a skit that involves “if you trim back the bush, your deck will look bigger!”  And, yes, it’s just as dirty (and hilarious) as that sounds.  Eventually, the girls will start knowing what we mean with the “adult” jokes, which may actually be worse for them than for us.  ;P

I’m wearing one of my oldest sweatshirts, which states “If things get any worse, I’ll have to ask you to stop helping.”  This is especially important because Stacy is very fond of “helping.”  And, yes, we have to put the air quotes on that word when we say it.  For her part, Stacy’s wearing a simple, lacy-sleeved shirt (and a mischevious grin), while Arwyn’s shirt features a cat face.  Kia’s shirt has a trio of Disney princesses and says “Girls change the world” to which I say “rock on, girls.”