The girls loved their costumes and had several people take pics of them, with our favourite request coming right after another, where a woman said “Oh, I want a picture of Little Tali!”  Arwyn’s was a little less recognizable outside of people who’ve played the game a lot, but they both looked good and Arwyn was all about the sassy poses whenever she was getting her picture taken (Kia mostly took the “adorkable” pose 😉 ).  Oh, and, yeah, if I have an accessible lap, odds are good that I’ll end up with one or both of the girls trying to make themselves at home.

Pation.  Check last week’s blurb for the lead-up to that.  😛  Anyway, yes, Kia is Tali’zorah Vas Normandy and Arwyn is Kasumi Goto from the Mass Effect video games.  Stacy’s wearing her Girl Genius Samhain shirt, so she’s in season, at least, and I’m also wearing my cosplay.  Yep, I wore my Mass Effect hoodie to the con and went as the lazy version of Commander Shepard.  “I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite cosplay at the comic con.”