They each got a toy candy dispensers (like the coin operated kind) full of jelly beans, which apparently made it too much fun to dispense them.  Once they were dispensed, of course, they HAD to be eaten before they went bad or something.  It went unnoticed for a half-hour, by which time the things were half-empty.  At least they got to burn off some of the sugar/calories by running around the yard, looking for plastic eggs… filled with more candy.  Because chocolate and candy are what holidays are all about, after all.

I’m wearing my Star Wars X-Wing shirt and Stacy’s wearing her purple angel… wing… shirt.  Yeah, there’s a full angel hiding behind Arwyn.  Either that, or she’s grown a wing, which would be disappointing because she’d need two to fly (unless you’re Sephiroth), so what’s the point?  Anyway, Arwyn’s t-shirt features a pink Mustang GT and she’s also got the nineties thing going on with the purple plaid flannel.  Kia’s also doing the open overshirt look, though less grunge-y, and her shirt says “Sunshine:  Brave and free.”